Day 4 of the '29 Face' May Challenge: WIP Art Journal Entry

My WIP Guest Entry in my Student's Art Journal:

Day 4 of the '29 Faces' May Challenge brings with it another student Art Journal guest entry for me.  25 more Faces to go.....

As mentioned in this post, I have a number of private art students with whom I've been leading activities in art journal making.  The kids have been working on their journals now for months (we meet once a week), creating entries for themselves, as well as guest entries in each others' journals.  It is now time for me to take my turn creating entries in my students' journals, and so I brought home with me quite a stack of them to work on.  It is my intention to create these guest journal entries with FACES, drawing upon the books we've been reading as a class as inspiration, so as to have images that I can count towards the '29 Faces' Challenge. 

One of the books we read in our literature class this year was "Babette's Feast" (which is also a wonderful movie that folks might actually be more familiar with), and so I chose it as my inspiration to draw upon.   As such here we have a portrait of 'Babette', a french female chef and political refugee (the book is set before the turn of the LAST century) living with and working for two elderly, plain-and-simple, sisterly spinsters in Denmark.  The sisters are unaware of Babette's supreme talent for gourmet cuisine until she wins a lottery and ends up using the winnings to whip up a remarkably sophisticated and sumptuous feast for her astonished employers and their flock.  A lovely story -- as one can see, I still have a ways to go with this two-page journal spread, but I do at least have my Babette tribute portrait to feature as my Face for Day 4 here as I stop painting for the night....
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