My guest art journal entry: WIP inspired by the book, 'Great Expectations' |
Day 7 of the '29 Faces' May Challenge. 22 more Faces to go....
Seriously, Day 7 -- we've been at this a week already...??
For today's Face, continuing on with my Student Art Journal Project, whereby
I am painting guest entries into the art journals of my private students, as inspired by books we have read and discussed in class, I revisited the
journal entry I posted back on Day 5. Using the classic novel by Charles Dickens, 'Great Expectations', as inspiration, I had first began a portrait of a female -- while flip-flopping as to whether I was actually painting the haughty and proud 'Estella', or the neurotically demented, man-scorning 'Miss Haversham'. Well, truth be told, I still haven't definitively settled that score yet (though I think at this point I'm leaning toward Miss Haversham...?) . However, I was and am 100 percent certain about portraying the poor, haplessly mistreated 'Pip' on the opposite side of the two page art journal spread, and so I was able to paint full steam ahead tonight as far as he was concerned. Still plenty more I want to add to complete this journal entry, like some wording perhaps (as well as put the final touches on Estella/Miss Haversham, etc) -- so for now it continues to remain a Work in Progress. But I shall be needing to get ALL of my students' journals finished and returned by next week, so I will really need to focus my time and attention here in the coming days....
What my journal entry looked like earlier this evening before adding 'Pip'.... |