Nibblefest Art Contest: 3.5 x 8 "Bird Bath"..... |
My second of my four Nibblefest Art Contest entries, the theme for May being 'The Elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air"
for auction link).
This is a painting entitled, "Bird Bath", and is my entry for "Water". It also happens to be my Face #19 of the
'29 Faces' May Challenge (and no, I am not counting the bird faces, though I'll admit I was mighty tempted to...!). So yes, plenty of overlap-age here, and to come.....
The following is my auction description:
"....Bird Bath...."
".....One of four entries by me for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC) (~the theme for May being "The Elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air") is an original acrylic painting of vellum, mounted permanently onto a 3.5" by 8" reclaimed wooden board (3/4 " thick). 'Bird Bath is signed and ready to hang (not the original is sharper and more colorful that appears in this flat scan). This is a 5 Day auction.
This month's Nibblefest theme, 'The Elements', was quite different than usual. Being as that there are four classical elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air), we were allowed to enter a total of four pieces rather than the usual limit of three, provided that each pertained to a separate element. This is my entry for 'Water'.
When contemplating 'Water', I happened to look outside my window to observe the bird bath in my yard. It's always a hip-happening neighborhood spot in the Spring....."
So as mentioned in my previous post, I admit I struggled a bit with this month's theme, 'The Elements'. Ordinarily I adore working with themes, and having looked ahead and knowing this one was coming up, I had no reason to assume it would be any more challenging than any other month's theme. In fact I at first figured it might even be easier. However when it finally came down to the brass tacks, and I was trying to rustle up my concepts, the fact that there was sort of a "theme within a theme" thing happening here threw me off a bit. Obviously, something like "The Elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air" was just asking for all four entries to be a cohesive 'set' in some way. Being as that I do like to relate my subject matter to myself in personal and meaningful ways, I was having issues coming up with four interchangeable concepts that all could all somehow relate to one another. It was easy enough to conjure up four very random ideas, which I initially did at first -- but conceptualizing the four 'separate but equal' ideas proved...a little harder. And yet I managed -- a little late perhaps (5 Day auctions instead of 7), but hopefully not a dollar short as they say (being as that the bidding starts at just a buck, heh.....!).....