Nibblefest Art Contest: 3.5 x 8 painting: 'Wash Day".....
The fourth of my four Nibblefest Art Contest entries, the theme for May being 'The Elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air"
We have here a painting entitled, "Faith in a Seed" and my entry for "Air". It also happens to be my Faces #22 and #23 of the
'29 Faces' May Challenge. (YESSSSS!!! I am officially caught up!!! Only 6 more Faces to go!)
The following is my auction description:
".....One of four entries by me for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC) (~the theme for May being "The Elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air") is an original acrylic painting of vellum, mounted permanently onto a 3.5" by 8" reclaimed wooden board (3/4 " thick). 'Wash Day' is signed and ready to hang (not the original is sharper and more colorful that appears in this flat scan). This is a 5 Day auction.
This month's Nibblefest theme, 'The Elements', was quite different than usual. Being as that there are four classical elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air), we were allowed to enter a total of four pieces rather than the usual limit of three, provided that each pertained to a separate element. This is my entry for 'Air'.
We don't own a working dryer. By choice. Years ago, when the heating element of our old, second hand dryer burned out, we just never bothered to get it fixed, or replaced. I didn't use it that often anyway, preferring as I always have an old-fashioned clothesline. Air drying clothes saves money and energy, besides the fact that you just can't beat that fresh, air-dried smell. And so we have here a busy Mama and her little helper, on 'Wash Day' (unfortunately my own 'little helper' isn't nearly this cheerful when it comes to our clothesline. She wants our dryer back.....!)