My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest, an original entitled "Tom's Diner"..... |
Confession time. So naturally, like most people, I have any manner of personal interests/pursuits, and favored methods of keeping myself entertained. But by far my most favorite of all relaxing distractions has got to be the age-old activity....of People Watching. People Watching, how I adore thee....!
If it sounds creepy, I promise it's really not. Surely I'm not alone in finding the act of sitting back and passively observing the comings and goings of random humanity around me an endless source of fascination....? I swear I can 'people watch' for hours and never get bored. But just what is it about it that's so personally intriguing? I do take casual mental note of folks -- what they are doing perhaps, what they are wearing. But not in any judgmental way. Instead it's as with an impartially neutral clinician's eye. I simply find People, strangers or otherwise, highly interesting creatures.....
Perhaps I find it so entertaining because I tend to be a visually-oriented thinker, so that all this mental observation might somehow convey for me reams of pertinent information to process, consciously or otherwise. Perhaps as an artist, drawn to featuring people in my paintings, I'm subconsciously staking out future subject matter. Or who knows, maybe I was an anthropologist in a former life, lol -- whatever the case, I confess I'm a relentlessly avid (but discrete!) observer of my fellow humankind....
Which brings me to this month's Nibblefest Art Contest.... As mentioned in my
last post, I missed the original August 20th deadline, but was able to make up for it last night, with a 5-Day auction for an original entry entitled "Tom's Diner" (
for auction link). So who here might be familiar with that old song by the folk-inspired singer/songwriter Suzanne Vega....? The following is my auction description:
..."Tom's Diner".....
My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC), (~the theme for August being 'Coffee') is an original acrylic painting on a 8.5 x 7" found wooden plaque. "Tom's Diner' is signed on the front, and ready to hang.....
When thinking about 'Coffee' as a theme this month, one of the first things to pop into my head was the song, "Tom's Diner", by the folk-inspired singer/songwriter Suzanne Vega. I've always been partial to the song, written as it is in sort of a 'stream of consciousness' first person narrative, about a patron hanging out alone in a city diner, sipping coffee while making mental observations of the mundane goings-on around her. One of these is a woman outside in the rain who spies her own reflection in the window, taking advantage of it to adjust her skirt and stockings. My entry is my attempt to capture the moment of this little scenario:
"....There's a womanon the outside
Looking inside.
Does she see me?
No she does not really see me
'Cause she seesher own reflection....."
(from the lyrics of 'Tom's Diner', by Suzanne Vega)
While I myself don't have time much to hang around in cafes, on those rare occasions when I do I have found them PRIME people watching locales. I mean seriously, what a hoot! So perhaps that's why Suzanne Vega's song, which I first heard 20 years ago or more (and can be listened to on Youtube
here), has always resonated with me.....
"Tom's Diner", as inspired by the Suzanne Vega tune, "Tom's Diner"..... |
One more note about this particular piece. I used for my painting support an old, wooden plaque I'd picked up recently from a second-hand store. It has an interesting little inscription on the back of it, which will likely prove to be a bit of curiosity to whomever wins it. The following is a photo of the back of the wood plaque, with my title and signature but also the inscription I discovered written there:
My title/name/date on the top, with the written inscription in the middle... |
An close-up shot of the written inscription (can you read it?):
Love, from Grandma and Grandpa Scharlau :-) |
Isn't that sweet....?! The plaque as I found it was painted a flat canary yellow, with what amounted to a large sticker of a cartoon dog adhered to it. Apparently a gift to a treasured grandson in the '70's -- but still, not being original art, or heck, even a print, after some pondering I came to the conclusion it would be okay to put the plaque to alternate use. Though I'm making certain NOT to obscure this sweet little note on the back in any way -- it will remain a part of the piece's history.....
(To see ALL the great art entries in this month's Nibblefest Art Contest,
In any case, speaking of old artwork, just to reiterate here,
in my quest to re-purpose the various second-hand frames and painting supports that I stumble across from time to time, I would be loathe to ever paint over original artwork (that is, unless whatever we are talking about really is TRULY questionable) -- nothing at all like the news I heard only last night on BBC radio. Has anyone else read about this...??? Apparently a century-old fresco in Spain that had seen extensive deterioration over the years...was the recent object of an amateur 'restoration' by a go-getting elderly parishioner, who took it upon herself to personally 'fix' the damage (
for online article). Oyyyyyy...!
A damaged fresco (left), damaged yet even further by a well-meaning parishioner! (right) |
I mean in a way one has to admire her chutzpah and 'take charge' attitude..., but Ay Carumba! So yeah, none of that -- I know my limits!