Another Pet Portrait: 'China', plus my Guest Post for the Nibblefest Blog

8 x 10 Pet Portrait: "China" (Dec 2012)

Another recent pet portrait, this one of a very cute and shamelessly spoiled little Shih-tzu dog, named 'China'....

In other art news, the next round of the Nibblefest Art Contest begins again in less than two weeks already.  In order to introduce this month's theme ('Five Random Things'), I put together a fun guest entry, if I do say so myself, for the Nibblefest Blog (by which I unabashedly bastardized the song, "My Favorite Things", from the 'Sound of Music' Weird Al Yankovic has nothin' on me, lol...!).  

To check out my tongue-in-cheek guest post, plus all the lovely Nibblefest Artist art images I collected as visuals for it,  

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