Day 8 of the '29 Faces' Art Challenge: More Student Work

It's the 8th Day of the '29 Faces' February 2013 Art Blog Challenge, with the first week officially behind us (and let me tell you, if the next few weeks cruise as crazy quickly as this past one did, this month will FLY by).....

If you've been following my Challenge progress, you will know I started my 29 Faces exactly a week ago with a 'face' that wasn't actually my own, but was a self portrait by my private art student's.   As of this afternoon another student finished HER self portrait that she'd been working on under my instruction for the past number of weeks, which I am very pleased and proud to share today as 'my' #8 Face:

Another beautiful self-portrait by my art student, as completed today.

As with my student's portrait from last week, this student has been patiently painting her self portrait under my guidance for the past number of weeks, taking direction/suggestions thoughtfully, and approaching her project with consideration and care.....,

Self Portraits in Progress -- laying down color

.....resulting in another really lovely and expressive work of art.....!   

Very proud of my talented and capable young students....

Another lovely 11 x 14 Student Self Portrait....!

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