ACEO May TW Nomination

ACEO Theme Week: "Jack-in-the-Pulpit"

Another of my entries into this month's Ebay ACEO Group's Theme Week art contest, that began back on May 1st, the theme being 'Wildflowers'. Jack in the Pulpit are among my most favorite of the woodland wildflowers, and here we see the supercilious 'Jack' as he assembles his forest congregation, and they all give him their full attention while he addresses them from his lofty 'bully-pulpit'...

I was most delighted to have found out this morning that 'Jack-in-the-Pulpit' has been nominated for this month's "People's Choice" Award (linked here for any who may be members) -- fun times indeed, and many thanks to any and all who may have nominated me...!

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