Another Treasury!

ACEO Portrait of Edgar Allen Poe, as featured in this EBSQ Team Sampler Treasury ( for link)

Yet another pleasant surprise today! Delighted to find my wee little Poe portrait being included in this fine Etsy Treasury featuring fellow EBSQ artists as created by Theodora Demetriades.

It feels especially timely for me too, as it was only two days ago that I was coincidentally reading what must be my most favorite E. Allen Poe short story aloud to a small group of high school-age literature students. I adore reading aloud anyway, but being able to interpret my favorite Poe tale, 'The Cask of Amontillado', all while adding my own personal touches of light drama and pregnant pauses, to a receptive and accommodating audience was especially fun! There's just something about that particular potboiler, clever and moody character study that it is, complete with foreshadowing, foreboding, macabre humor, reverse psychology, suspense, irony, treachery, and of course the requisite creepily gothy and angst-ridden Poe ending, that has stuck with me all these long years after first reading it when I must have been around their age. In any case, just my little homage to that masterful, classic American poet and storyteller, and honored to have it featured in this way -- thank you, Theodora.....!
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