Nibblefest Art Contest: 'Still Life'....

"Green Pear" for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest ( for auction link)....

My entry for the October 2011 Nibblefest Art Contest (the theme this month being 'Still Life') features a single green pear rendered upon an 'upcycled', 3.5 x 4.5 wooden plaque. In addition to the vintage second-hand frames I tend to hoard (as mentioned in my previous blog entry), I also possess a collection of small wooden plaques that I've acquired second-hand through various means. To prepare these old plaques for painting I sand them and then cover them with overlapping scraps of paper in order to build up and create a new and textured surface upon which to paint (the textured surface lending depth and dimension to my paintings)...

I feel good about giving these old, unwanted items, typically headed for the landfill by the time they cross my path, second life in the creation of original art....
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