Day 20 of the '29 Faces' Challenge: another entry for the Nibblefest Art Contest, '"Moonlight Sonata (Piano Recital)" ACEO

Day 20 of the '29 Faces in February' art blog Challenge!  And, I'm happy to say that with this posting I will be officially and properly caught up...!  My Face-du-jour, an ACEO, is actually another entry  painted today for the Nibblefest Art Contest (along with my other entry, 'MoonShadow'), the theme being 'Moonlight'.  

Like my other entry, I followed along again with the musical concept regarding the theme.  Thinking as I did of my mental of list of favourite songs with the words 'moon' or 'moonlight' in the titles or lyrics, one of the first things to pop into mind was, of course, Beethoven's beautifully haunting piece of piano music, "Moonlight Sonata".  The thought of piano music however, also happened to conjure up memories of my own piano days, when I took private lessons from the age of 7 to 14. While I do adore music, I freely admit I haven't much talent for playing it myself.  It didn't help matters I'm sure that I despised practising, but even worse to me  than that were the annual mandatory  piano recitals that, as a shy kid, I dreaded so very much.  I reflected a little bit on all of this as I painted my ACEO today:

"Moonlight Sonata (Piano Recital)", an original ACEO

My Auction Description:

One of my entries for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (the theme for February being 'Moonlight') is an ACEO featuring a young woman, dutifully playing Beethoven's beautiful 'Moonlight Sonata' on the piano during her music recital, as she steals a nervous glance at her assembled audience.

 I very much enjoyed this month's Nibblefest theme.  Being as that I love to listen to music as I paint, the theme of 'Moonlight' brought to mind all my many favourite songs that have the word 'moon' or 'moonlight' in their titles or lyrics.  One of the first songs to pop into my head was Beethoven's haunting melody, "Moonlight Sonata'.  Now, I have a confessions to make.  As much as I personally love music?  I was a terrible music student, having taken piano lessons for 7 years in my youth.  I hated to practice, and I especially loathed, loathed, LOATHED the annual piano recitals I was required to do.  They felt like sheer torture to a shy person like myself...!  My ACEO here reflects a little bit of those ever-lovely ancient memories...."

(For those unfamiliar with Nibblefest -- it is a friendly, monthly, themed art contest on Ebay that always begins of the first of every month, with all entries beginning with a starting bid of just .99 cents.  Fun times!)

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