Day 8 of the the '29 Faces' Challenge: V. D. Cards

Day 8 of the '29 Faces' Challenge!   As mentioned in my post from yesterday, I'm really so enjoying this project. The exercise of painting daily is terrific practice for me, which I'm truly appreciating in addition to all the fabulous networking opportunities.  However..., the painting/photographing/uploading/editing/blogging and posting daily has also meant a VERY late night for me pretty much every single day this whole past week (thanks to my own time management issues).  And I dare say it's beginning to catch up with me here (*yawn*).  Therefore it's my goal to hit the sack at a reasonable hour this evening, thus my Face of the Day today is a relatively simple one:

The Front of a Home made Valentine's Card, 4" x 6"  (to be adding lettering to say 'Be Mine')

I've always created my own Valentine's cards to give to my kiddos, so that was my art focus for the day today.  And it made perfect sense to paint my cards this year with anthropomorphic hearts, natch (because 'Practical' is surely my middle name, heh)....

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