Day 11 of the '29 Faces' May Challenge: 'New Moon', 5 x 5 Acrylic Painting

"New Moon":  a 5 x 5 Acrylic painting on re-purposed wooden Board....

Day 11 of the '29 Faces' May Challenge.  18 more Faces to go.....

I was looking forward tonight to what I was expecting to be a quiet evening here at home -- hanging out in the studio, catching up on all my various painting pursuits (in particular my Student Art Journal Project, which I still have TONS to work on before they are to be finished by Tuesday!), perhaps even getting back to some much-neglected email correspondence.  Only I ended up instead spending the better part of this evening tracking down unauthorized usages of a couple of my art images.  So much for my plans!  But oh well -- these things come up all the time and have to be addressed, besides just being part and parcel of the managing of one's own art business.  Unfortunately it did mean though that I did NOT get around to painting as I'd hoped to though.  Happily however, I still have a 'new' Face up my sleeve -- one that I've been hoarding precisely for such emergencies.  And so we have here the companion piece to the painting I posted as my Face for Day 3 of the Challenge, my portrait of the Sun   -- a painting that, like my Sun portrait, I had created late last month, but never had the opportunity to officially blog about yet (until now!).....
As mentioned in that previous post, I entered two small works in late April to a local art show, whereby all the art submitted was 5 x 5 in size, and pertained to the theme "What You Love".   It was a lovely spring day the morning I set out to create my entries, and, having decided to paint the Sun as one of my beloved 'things', of course I then also simply HAD to paint a Moon. These things go hand in hand as far as I'm concerned....!

Here they are as a happily anthropomorphic, celestial set:

The Moon and the Sun, two 5 x 5 Paintings for the local 'What I love"-Themed Art Show

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