Day 5 of the '29 Faces' May Challenge: WIP Art Journal Guest Entry, 'Great Expectations'....

WIP: Guest Art Journal Entry, 'Great Expectations'.....

My Face for Day 5 of the '29 Faces' in May Challenge.  24 more Faces to go....

I admit I had such lofty plans for the day today.  Anticipating a Saturday afternoon with no particular constraints or commitments, I had intentions of getting ALL kinds of things done around here -- from journals to house cleaning, laundry and yard work.  Instead however, my participation in a near-20 mile community bike ride (in the heat) this morning, while I had a fabulous time and fully enjoyed the exercise and  camaraderie, ended up rendering me pretty much useless for the remainder of the day.  Oops!  Oh well....!   

Still, I did manage to finally get around tonight to fiddling a bit with the painting of a guest entry  in yet another of my students' art journals (as per my Student Art Journal Project as written about in my previous posts) -- with this one based upon the classic book, 'Great Expectations', by the ever beloved Charles Dickens. I didn't get terribly far with it -- as you can see I've really only generally  blocked things out, with quite a bit still left to do.  Not least of which is deciding exactly who it is I am actually painting here, since I keep going back an forth as to whether to make this a portrait of  'Estella', or 'Miss Havisham (with poor abused Pip to be on the right side -- you can barely make out my preliminary sketch of him there).   But it is indeed very late right now, with my eyes crossing on me from the fatigue....and so I'm going to post this as is, hit the sack, and get back to this one again hopefully very soon....
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