Faces in Progress |
When I signed on to participate in the '29 Faces' May Challenge this month, I figured it had the potential to be dicey because I knew full well May was going to be a busy one. And... I was right! Community bike rides, back-to-back graduation parties, activities, never ending spring yard work and garden set up. The month is FLYING by, and somehow I've managed to fall behind in the posting of my Faces yet again. But oh well, it's not as though it's a competition in any way, and there are no 'rules'. I just figure as long as I have all my 29 Faces painted and posted in some shape or form by the end of the month it will all 'count'....
The last time I blogged regarding the Challenge, I was on Face #16. Today is the 22nd, so that's technically 5 Faces behind. The photo above displays all kinds of Faces I currently have in progress (for a total of 12 to be exact) so happily I'm not behind in the painting of my Faces, only in the posting of my Faces. Therefore when I blog later again today with some of my Nibblefest Art Contest entries (it officially began on the 20th, but thank goodness for 5-day auctions...!) I'll once again be all caught up (if not even a little ahead)....