April's Nibblefest Art Contest: "Cat Nap"

NFAC: 'Cat Nap"
A slothful, table-top lounging cat glares in annoyance at the hapless human who has innocently entered the room and dared interrupt his nap time....

(auction link here)

Whew. It was a close call -- but still, I managed it, to pull together a little entry this afternoon JUST under the wire for the start of the monthly Nibblefest Art Contest ("Fabulous Felines"), which begins today on Ebay (for more fun, themed art, all starting at just .99 cents, simply search "NFAC" on ebay)....

So happily I was able to set all that up in a timely manner -- but not only for NFAC... as it happens, this little item can actually do 'double-duty' for me, since for fun I was able to also enter it into EBSQ's 'Flower of the Month' show, the flower theme for April being... what else? Tulips! (y)

What's that old adage -- 'kill two birds with one stone'...? (though note as a the owner/mom of a much-beloved pet bird, I'm not particularly partial to that saying!)

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