Windy City

I've been quite busy lately with my ongoing Project (with some progress made), but it hasn't been ALL work. No indeed -- yesterday I took my two kids and two friends to Chicago, where we all had a fine time galavanting around the big city for the day, and from whence I snapped the above photograph ( Crown Fountain at Millennium Park, in downtown Chi-Town)....

I do love public fountains, both large and small, traditional and contemporary, with the Crown Fountain installation by far unlike any I've ever experienced (note that the 1,000 various faces intermittently projected on the glass brick wall (which constantly cascades with splashing water) occasionally and randomly 'spit' every now and then ;-) -- a really fun example of interactive, urban art. And I think perhaps we may have been quite lucky to catch it running and spewing this early in the season -- I suppose we have our pleasant Midwestern Spring weather of the last few weeks to thank for that...

However now that I'm back home, and it is yet another Monday, I realize I have some catching up to do. Back to The Project (pictures coming soon) for one thing -- but also it's dawning on me that today is the 19th of the month. Which means tomorrow is the 20th (yes I can count!), which means.... the start of Nibblefest, the monthly ebay art contest that I like to partake in so much (and which begins the 20th of every month). The date totally sneaked (snuck?) up on me this time around, and as of yet I haven't started anything for it -- but perhaps it's not too late. April's theme is to be "Fabulous Felines"-- so, 'cats' essentially. Ought not be too hard, really. And I do so like entering the NFAC -- it's just plain fun after all, and if I miss this round, it will be another long month until the next (with May's theme being "Monochromatic"). So, I'll see what I manage to come up between now and then (and of course I'm hoping mentioning it here In Print for all to see will provide a little extra incentive too)....
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