More January Nibblefest Art Contest: 'Letters, Symbols, Numbers' Theme....

ACEO: "The Scarlet Letter" ( for auction link. Please also here to see all NFAC entries -- art starting at just .99 cents)...

My second entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest is based on the old novel, 'The Scarlet Letter' (probably a pretty straightforward take on the 'Letters' theme, eh?). My listing description:

~"The Scarlet Letter"~

One of two ACEO original entries by me for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC) (--the theme for January being 'Letters, Symbols, Numbers') features that much maligned, but ever steadfast, female protagonist of early American fiction, the infamous Hester Prynne of "The Scarlet Letter"..... Here we see Hester, her baby swaddled in her arms and her back against the wall....

Harken back to your high school literature class and that classic tome by the novelist, Nathaniel Hawthorn -- poor Hester has had the misfortune of giving birth to an illegitimate child while her estranged husband is well out of the picture. Her suspicious neighbours in her tight-knit puritan community turn upon her and punish severely, with public humiliation and shunning, as well as forcing her to permanently sport a large letter "A" (for "Adultery") upon her dress. Adding insult to injury is the fact that her seducer, the village pastor, is actually going along with the leading this vengeful pack, too spineless and cowardly to confess his own part in the wrongdoing. And yet, despite mounting pressure to give up the name of her partner in crime, she remains silent, all the while trying to maintain a life for herself and her daughter with as much decency and dignity as possible....
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