Well, anyone even remotely familiar with my art can surely infer that I love me some painted Faces, so as it was it certainly felt right up my alley. But also, being as that I have any NUMBER (dozens?) of half-finished projects involving Faces taking up precious studio space around here, I figured I could use this challenge as a springboard for getting back to all those pesky abandoned pieces I started with such enthusiasm, and fiddled with over these years, only to find so bloody difficult buckling down and actually completing already. Therefore I think this will be a great motivator and opportunity for me to tie up what feels like a bunch of mildly annoying loose ends (in addition to creating some new work for February's 'Nibblefest', etc etc).
I shall be tagging my Challenge posts "29 Faces" -- so if you are interested in following my own progress, or jumping into the Challenge yourself, please do...! All are welcome!